Material Ordering

Streamline the procurement of materials, simplify payments and gain valuable insights through comprehensive reporting.

Purchase materials based on your estimate

Efficiently manage your material procurement process by viewing a comprehensive list of required materials based on your project estimate.

The estimate page displays all the materials needed, with detailed information about quantities required for each work.

Material ordering form with specific prices and vat rates binded with estimate

Simplify payments and document storage

Make payments and keep your financial records organized in one place. Easily save invoices, certificates and other important documents related to material orders.

buildbuild allows you to track payments and maintain essential documentation.

List of payments in different statuses suitable for accounting purposes

Gain insights with detailed reports

Our reporting tools provide valuable insights into your material procurement process. Identify areas where cost savings can be achieved and understand where you might be losing money.

The material ordering page offers in-depth analysis and reporting capabilities.

List of materials with their prices and volumes with deviations from the planned values
Other features

You don't need to use several tools, the whole team works in a single workspace.

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